Meet Our Family




stephMy name is Stephanie. I was born in California, raised in Arizona, and Colorado has been my home for the last decade. I am a wife to an adoring husband who is my partner and best friend in every aspect of life. A daughter to incredibly supportive parents.  A sister to 5 siblings. A puppy-mom to our curious Cairn and Cockapoo. A creative hairstylist and adventurous nanny. And ultimately, a born-again Christian, who knows that without God, none of the previously mentioned statements would exist! I love to cook and bake, and have one lucky man to feed all the time. I enjoy watching live sports, no matter the game. You won’t find me without a book, as reading is my favorite pastime. Adventure, learning and organizing, are all loves of mine. I’m a cancer soldier, soon to be cancer survivor. I talk … a lot. I write … a lot. Make yourself comfortable, and buckle up!






matt2His name is Matt. He is a Colorado native and true small town guy. He still holds my doors open for me, and lets me go first. He is my best friend, confidant, and partner. He is a servant-leader and committed follower of Jesus. Graphic/web design is his chosen career. He enjoys sports, fitness, and using his artistic gifts to create. He is my calm in the storm and my rock to lean on. He’s a stud, and the most handsome man on Earth. I may be biased … but probably not! He can often be found dancing around the house jamming out on his headphones and consuming the large amounts of delicious food I prepare.






pupsThe name of the little lady is Scout, which means “first explorer.” She truly personifies her name. Being a Cairn Terrier, she is compelled to get into everything, voice her opinion, and have non-stop energy. She has the uncanny ability to have us laughing one minute, and frustrated the next. We adore her. She brings happiness into our lives. She’s a definite Daddy’s Girl, and often can be found melted in his arms when he returns from work.

Boone is the dapper young gentleman. He is a Cockapoo and he joined our family in Summer 2013. Some of his interests include chewing on blankets and pestering his big sister to play with him. He and Scout wrestle around often, but once their playing sessions are over, they can be found draped over each other in a sweet embrace. Boone is a definite cuddler, and melts in your arms when you pick him up.

Also, his eyelashes are to die for.

13 Comments on Meet Our Family

  1. Gail Mills
    February 1, 2012 at 10:49 PM (12 years ago)

    Oh sweeties, I am so sorry. I talked with Justin and Elizabeth tonight and they filled me in a bit. My heart is full for you… full of love and fear and hope and admiration and mostly prayers. You now have prayers coming from the Pacific Northwest! Love to you both ~ Gail & Tim

  2. Lauren Linker
    February 2, 2012 at 2:57 PM (12 years ago)

    When I heard the news in church on Sunday my heart sank for you. I know that you don’t know me Stephanie, but Matt and I grew up together and spent a lot of time at church together. My family has you in our prayers for a speady recovery!

  3. Mike Riley
    February 3, 2012 at 7:25 AM (12 years ago)

    Know you are SO in our prayers! Love you guys!

  4. Kamera palser
    February 3, 2012 at 3:51 PM (12 years ago)

    I went to school with matts sister. You two are the cutiest couple!. Reading ur updates, makes my heart sink. But u are truley strong and keep up the positive attitude. You and matt are in my prayers!

  5. Donna Jeanne Schneider
    February 13, 2012 at 5:38 AM (12 years ago)

    Dear Matt and Stephanie,

    As soon as we heard from Ginger about all you guys were facing…we started praying. The Lord has so obviously answered a number of our prayers for you ALREADY. Please know you will stay on our list….
    We are encouraged by YOUR FAITH….may it be that you both can see the LORD is in your boat, and there is NO NEED TO FEAR…just TRUST
    looks like that is what you are doing

    Love and prayers from Vienna, Austria
    Terry and Donna Jeanne Schneider

  6. Diane Thiemann
    February 16, 2012 at 2:23 PM (12 years ago)

    What a huge trial you are going through! I can’t begin to know, other than the 3 surgeries I’ve had, what you are going through emotionally and the physical you are about to experience. The one thing I do know is that your Spiritual side is taken care of. And we speak to your illness through that. I pray that you have more stength and determination to get through this than you ever thought possible and I know Matt, your mother and Rick and friends surround you. You are so blessed in that way. I love your blog and your inpspiring words. I’ll keep you and Matt in prayer.
    Love, Diane Thiemann

  7. Ireni Mota
    February 18, 2012 at 9:43 PM (12 years ago)

    Know you are in our prayers , it is a so hard moment that you are going trough.
    We love you and your family
    Ireni and Paulo from RM Sao Paulo Brasil

  8. Elise Anton
    March 11, 2012 at 11:58 AM (12 years ago)

    We miss u so much!!!!!!!!! When r we going to see u again?

    -Elise .L. Anton

    P.S feel beter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Robyn Kemp
    June 4, 2012 at 5:39 PM (12 years ago)

    Dear Stephanie, I read the article Audry wrote while waiting for my next client. I am a hair stylist too and….have been on your husbands side of the cancer war. My heart goes out to you both. Your are a beautiful couple and lucky to have each other. Continue to keep God close and your faith strong…..and walk outside as many days as you can even if is just to the end of the driveway…..I will pray for you daily and am here for you as a new friend who can help through the rough days. Peace and prayers to u and your family. Robyn Kemp aka RobynLynn on Facebook.

  10. Richard Moore
    January 4, 2014 at 6:34 PM (11 years ago)

    Lost my girl last March to Cancer. Have been mostly despondent, but I find your optimism and zest for life very encouraging. Continue on your path to joy…Richard (Baltimore).

  11. Julie
    October 13, 2015 at 8:59 AM (9 years ago)

    I was Googled chemo ports and you blog came up. I believe God directs our paths even through Google. I have been so encouraged by reading your story. You give me hope. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July. I’ve had a mastectomy and will have a port put in this week to start chemo, then I will follow that with radiation. I’m just starting my journey but as I read your blog I have hope. This is not the journey I would have ever chosen but God I’d sovereign and has a plan! Thank you for sharing your experience for those of us who “soldiers” fighting to become survivors.
    Sincerely, Julie

    • Stephanie
      October 27, 2015 at 10:14 AM (9 years ago)

      Hi Julie! I’m glad that you serendipitously found my blog. God is amazing at making “divine appointments” isn’t He?! He always knows just what we need when we need it the most. By now you’ve had your port placed and have probably started chemo. I hope that you are tolerating it okay. Our journeys are never what we plan them to be, but in our surrender, God makes everything beautiful in it’s time. Praying and believing in great things for you! God is mighty to save.


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