Contact Me

Have questions, comments, or curiosities? Want to share a similar story or encouraging words?

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37 Comments on Contact Me

  1. Papa Gary
    February 1, 2012 at 10:39 PM (12 years ago)

    You are amazing our dear granddaughter. We think, talk, pray and rejoice about you and Matt every day. Your blog is more than amazing. What courage, faith and care for others you display as you go through this.

    Papa and Nanny

  2. Janice Smith
    February 2, 2012 at 4:32 PM (12 years ago)

    I read you blog about the results of your PET scan and I just want to remind you that God is not surprised. If it is invading one lymph node and everything else was clear, I would say that is very good. As long as it took for a diagnosis, it could have been much, much worse and is an indicator that God is still in control of your life and your body, and He will see you through this journey. Praying for your peace and your strength to face each new day knowing you are being held by our Almighty God.

  3. Sherree Mongrain
    February 3, 2012 at 7:52 AM (12 years ago)

    Stephanie you have an amazing ability express yourself with honesty, clarity, humor and hope! I didn’t know what a good writer you are until I read your blog! Your positive attitude and willingness to share your story is an inspiration to me and I’m sure to many others going through this challenge. You are on our hearts and in our prayers. Thank you for starting this blog…it is already a blessing and will continue to be as your journey continues.

  4. Jeanette Dehning
    February 3, 2012 at 7:59 PM (12 years ago)

    You don’t know why God does some of the things he does, but the courage and strength and faith you are showing is such an inspiration to me and a lesson to be learned for all.
    And is has shown what a terrific writer you are. You should think about publishing this journal of your journey to help other cancer patients.
    My sister was diagnosed with cancer in 2004, and it looked very bleak. But she had faith and a “kick your butt” attitude towards cancer just like you and she is still here today and doing excellent!
    You will have frustrating, angry and tearful moments Stephanie, but stay strong and strong in your faith, and know that you are in so many people’s thoughts and prayers!

  5. Jeanette Dehning
    February 3, 2012 at 8:00 PM (12 years ago)

    If there is anything I can do for you or Matt, please let me know.

  6. Erin Goff
    February 3, 2012 at 9:49 PM (12 years ago)

    I am thinking of you and Matt through this journey in your life. May God continue to send you comfort and peace. I am saying prayers for you and will continue. I admire your willingness to share this very personal and difficult struggle. Take care, and I am sending love, thoughts and prayers your way. God Bless You!

  7. Janice Smith
    February 4, 2012 at 8:56 AM (12 years ago)

    Stephanie you have made the right decision. The peace of God leads us into the way we should go. Although I recognize the loss and the grief that comes from this decision, God has set your eyes and your purpose to pursue the main goal. God bless you both. Keeping you in prayer, knowing that we serve a God that goes before us in the battle.

  8. Devra
    February 7, 2012 at 1:50 PM (12 years ago)

    We think and pray for you every day. when I get up at night with Brady, you come to mind and I stop to pray for you and your family. Especially for Matt. Just this past weekend, my parents, sisters, Carl &Judy Scowengerdt, Tim & Kelly McKinney, and us all took time to pray for you. God’s ways are perfect and I’m so thankful and encouraged by your positive attitude.

  9. Roy and Velma Newton
    February 7, 2012 at 9:54 PM (12 years ago)

    Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. We are praying for you and your strength as you fight this disease. Also for your family and especially for Matt,Mom and Rick. Let us know if we can help.
    Love you all
    Roy and Velma

  10. Teresa Loudis
    February 8, 2012 at 6:56 AM (12 years ago)

    Staphanie and Matt, I know you dont really know me, but, I am very close to your grandparents…so you can think of me as a family friend :) Today is a challenging day and one of great hope and anxiety…just be still and know that you are exactly where you are suppose to be….everything has a purpose…all things work to the good for those who love God….ALL things are possible. You are an inspiration and a strong woman…a warrior !! I know you will come out of this in a better place and with better understanding. Remember who is in charge and RELAX…he’s got this :) You have a flood of prayers coming your way…no worries !!

  11. Diane (Whitney) Carner
    February 8, 2012 at 9:37 AM (12 years ago)

    Stephanie & Matt

    Hi you more than likely aren’t aware of who I am, but I knew your dad and his parents when they lived in Omaha Ne many years ago and I wanted you to know that my prayers are with you both, your parents, the doctors involved knowing that God’s Hands are directing their hands to do all that is necessary today as they do what they need to assist in your healing process.

    Your blog is awesome, a lot of people are afraid to spell out Cancer, and you have taken this disease by the horn and a positive attitude. You’re right God knew all that was going to happen before we were even thought of, and put everyone in our life path to assist us in taking whatever journey is brought forth. It is okay to wonder why me/us, but I also learned through some of my own ‘journey’, that sometimes things happens to us, is to assist others who currently are in our life (or will be later) and this is sometimes hard to understand

    Having the support of a wonderful husband, parents, friends (and even those you don’t know) is an asset.

  12. Janice Smith
    February 8, 2012 at 10:53 PM (12 years ago)

    PS 59:17 Unto You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my Defense, my Fortress, and High Tower, the God Who shows me mercy and steadfast love.

    Thankful for the good report and will keep those tests in prayer. Praying for clear and clean margins. Will pray tonight for pain control and rest. Blessings to you both.

  13. Janice Smith
    February 11, 2012 at 9:48 PM (12 years ago)

    Hooray!!!! So happy for you to be home. Keeping you in my prayers and am in awe as I see your progress. God Bless you both!

  14. Janice Smith
    February 17, 2012 at 7:38 AM (12 years ago)

    You are always in my heart and in my prayers…Our Almighty God will lift you today and in the coming days as never before. He will hold you in the power of his Mighty Right Hand. He is the God of impossibilities…making them possible…by His stripes we are healed. He is the waymaker when there seems to be no way. He is the one on Whom we call, because He never slumbers…He never sleeps. He is our Refuge, our High Tower. He gives peace that passes all understanding. He is Faithful and True. He is our Comfort and Strength.

  15. Molly Sadler
    February 17, 2012 at 9:33 AM (12 years ago)

    Steph, in Joshua 1:9
    I will never leave you or forsake you. Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
    This is what the Lord has put on my heart during a prayer that Dan and I were saying for you and Matt. Be strong my sister in faith I Love You and I’m here for you no matter what you need or don’t need just ring me and I’ll be there, that just reminded me of a song that my Mom and I used to sing together: You just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again: kind of silly but that’s me right! That is the most important verse any how.
    Love ya,
    Molly & Dan Sadler

  16. Jessica & David
    February 19, 2012 at 2:11 PM (12 years ago)

    We don’t know you, but we are part of the Family of God & we are praying for you! We believe your message of hope will bring encouragement to many – we’re proud of you!
    Ps. 73:26

  17. Penny Keller
    February 24, 2012 at 3:29 PM (12 years ago)

    Steph, I look forward every time I go to your blog. What a good thing to do, to journal your journey here. I love the railroad tracks; that is such a good picture to capture that you are on a journey.
    I also have a daughter and cannot help but to cry over your postings sometimes. I know how this has gripped those of us who know you. We are battling and believing with you in prayer. You are doing everything right, staying in the present, trusting God to beat this cancer, staying positive, being thankful for your husband and your parents and all your support. Just know that we, the people who love you and your parents, are here, invisible to you maybe but we are here. I beleive your youth is in your favor on this. Your personality and your sense of humor make this so fun to read. Hold onto God Steph, keep holding on. Each day is one step closer to being done with this. Much love, Penny Keller

  18. Pete & Lori Sorrells
    February 24, 2012 at 4:26 PM (12 years ago)

    Stephanie, you are truly amazing. Your faith and attitude are beyond encouraging. We so appreciate that you invest your time and energy to write such inspiring and life-changing entries in your blog. Thank you so much.

    And for you: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

    Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers every day.

  19. Pete & Lori Sorrells
    February 24, 2012 at 4:36 PM (12 years ago)

    Stephanie, you are truly amazing. Your posts are beyond encouraging. Thank you for investing your time and energy to write such inspiring and powerful messages, and for reminding us of beautiful and powerful scriptures as well.

    For you: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

    We continue to pray for you daily and look forward to your complete healing.

  20. Ryan Lloyd Sorrells
    February 27, 2012 at 5:56 PM (12 years ago)

    Hey there Stephanie,
    It’s Peter and Lori’s oldest. I have not a clue what you’re going through nor can I imagine going through what you must be experiencing on a daily basis nor do I know if you even remember me but I definitely remember you and I most certainly know what it’s like to feel in pain and hopeless all the time; I am going through medical stuff myself; nothing too terribly drastic but enough to make me feel weak and debilitated and therefore frustrated on a regular basis; without my family, fiance and amazing friends I know that it would be ten times harder than it is and I couldn’t do it without any of them in my life. I know your family is doing exactly the same because they are the kindest people I know and when I first heard about your diagnosis I was heartbroken; I don’t want anything to happen to you or your family; you are all very important to me and have been a great influence as a result; I miss you guys. What I do know even more than all that though and whatever you’re experiencing right now with cervical cancer is that no matter what I think or you think or how much we worry or try to not worry; God is always in control and He has a plan, for all of us and I know in my heart that He will watch over you and take care of you just as He has your whole life. I know that isn’t usually apparent and easy to understand but the truth is He loves you; I’m sure you obviously know that by now but it never hurts to be reminded and have someone tell you Jesus loves you and you’re never alone; you are strong, a lot stronger than me i can assure you and you are going to pull through this thing. God loves all of us no matter what and He will heal you; I know that because I have seen Him do it with other people I know and care about and with complete strangers that I never even met; miracles are happening every single day. Regardless of what happens with you, you and your family will constantly be in my prayers and my heart goes out to all of you with love. God Bless!


    your friend,

    Ryan Lloyd Sorrells

    P.S. Congratulations on getting married, that’s so cool; he’s a lucky guy. 😉 My fiance (Amy) and I are tying the knot on May 27 of this year; we’ve been engaged for over two years now and together for almost three. I can’t wait to marry this beautiful and amazing girl of my dreams and we’re both super excited to say I do. I am really looking forward to being her husband and taking care of her for the rest of my life; I am so happy and even more than that I am so very very happy for you. Take care and hang in there steph, you’re doing great so never give up.

  21. Janice Smith
    February 27, 2012 at 8:31 PM (12 years ago)

    Our God, is an Awesome God,
    He reigns, from heaven above,
    With wisdom, power and love,
    Our God is an Awesome God.

    Awesome to never leave us, Awesome to never forsake us, Awesome that He does not lie, Awesome that he personally cares so deeply, Awesome that He gave His Son, Awesome that He has a plan, ao Awesome that He holds us in the power of His Hands, Awesome to always remember, Awesome to Divinely intervene, Awesome and fierce in the face of our enemy, our God is Mighty, Awesome, and full of Power and Light.

    Remembering you in prayer.

  22. Ellyn Jett
    February 28, 2012 at 4:03 PM (12 years ago)

    Dear Stephanie,
    Thank you for sharing your journey. I am truly inspired to appreciate my life and family and Lord even more! I am a friend of your mom from Virginia. I was 14 and had just surrendered my heart to Jesus the summer before 10th grade. She was the 1st born-again friend I ever had! I learned so much from my sweet friend Denise and her family that all too brief year they lived in Virginia! We have had a few opportunities to cross paths over the past 34 years, and I hope there will be more very soon! Your mom is one of the most amazing ladies I have ever met! She’s extremely smart and talented (She sings and plays the flute like an angel!)! She is so beautiful inside and out! She is so friendly and so much fun to be around! Thank God for Facebook for it allowed us to reconnect with her! I am sorry you have to go through these struggles, but I appreciate your honesty with your experiences; you have won my heart! You are one strong lady! You and your husband will remain on the top of my prayer list!
    I look forward to meeting you! Love in Christ, Ellyn Jett

  23. Grandpa Shaw
    March 6, 2012 at 12:45 AM (12 years ago)

    Hi Steph,

    I’m not much of a blogger, and not much of a writer, either – LOL. You seem to have a lot
    of talent in those areas. And I admire your wonderful attitude as you make this journey
    to remission. Life will return to “normal”; sorry Grandma Shaw is not here to comfort you.
    You are in our “Prayer Chain” at my church and my Sunday school class. I am sure
    that you will “derail” this disease with God’s help.

    Grandpa Shaw

  24. Laura Vanmeel
    April 4, 2012 at 4:29 PM (12 years ago)

    Dear Stephanie
    Thank you do much for your blog.i can,t believe how much our days are similar . Also Mary Jo and Kevin are fabulose! I hope to see you one day there.i go every three weeks next chemo is April 20 take care I,ll be thinking of you!

  25. Ali
    June 4, 2012 at 9:07 PM (12 years ago)

    Wow. you are so upbeat and inspiring. I went to college with your husband, and my prayers go out to both of you. Keep on staying strong and show that nasty cancer who’s boss!!!!

  26. Janice Smith
    August 20, 2012 at 2:44 PM (12 years ago)

    So happy to read this and know that you are feeling so much better. So sorry we didn’t get to connect yesterday at the park. I intended to catch you when you were free and then I was talking and then you were busy…you know how it goes. Still praying for you and all of the tests you are having right now. Looking for a good report. Rejoicing in the new freedom you are experiencing! Love you!


  27. Teodora Chasse
    August 31, 2012 at 12:32 PM (12 years ago)

    Hi Stepanie,
    I read your blog and I instantly related to you.
    My name is Teodora,I am 42 years old and I have been diagnosed with very rare cervical melanoma cancer in July 201o, and given few months to live.
    My melanoma is extremely rare neoplasm the 5 year survival rate of which is 19%, there are only 4 women in the US diagnosed with it.
    I have had radical histerectomy, radical lymphadenectomy and radiation after a local recurrence in May 2011.
    Currently on a protocol of 2 PET scans annualy and gynecological follow ups.
    If you would like to contact me and talk to me sometimes, my
    Skype is:teochasse, and my tel is 207 5380266

    Stay Strong

  28. Marilyn Olson
    September 10, 2012 at 9:06 AM (12 years ago)

    Hi Stephanie:
    I finally read your blog today. It is so hard to think of you going through so much so many times. I’ve been praying for you, but now I can pray specifically for you, Matt and your family.
    We know God is in charge of all that goes on in our lives and He has said “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. You are strong, and He is stronger.

    Love you,
    Marilyn Olson (Rick, too)

  29. Wendy Himes
    October 17, 2012 at 4:27 PM (12 years ago)

    Dear Stephanie,
    You don’t know me, as with many of your readers I am sure…I read your story in Denver Life magazine just last week and was very touched. Touched at your story, and your courage also.It could have been me, 15 years ago, a young Christian woman embarking on my dream life. I would like to offer my services; partly to help me because I don’t know what else to do, and partly because I hope they could help you. I am a professional organizer, and I donate time to people who just really need it; whether I know them well or not. You may be perfectly organized and not want me at all. In case you are not, I am at your service. You can look me up to make sure I am not a freak… My name is Wendy.
    Bless you and your family. :)

  30. Brian and Sharon Lessman
    November 28, 2012 at 2:35 PM (12 years ago)

    Stephanie and Matt:

    Your news of cancer’s wretched return is shocking. We are sorry that you must journey down this path again. We also know of the courage that the Holy Spirit has placed in you to endure. Our human condition is both frail and covetous. We desire to be healthy and well, yet our earthly bodies seem ill prepared to deal with the consequences of original sin, manifest in so many worldly conditions of the flesh and human spirit.

    Yet in the middle of this earthly journey, we can be reminded of the glory that exists when the hurt and the Healer collide. These words from Mercy Me speak to us and comfort us when the journey is filled with fear, pain, sorrow, anger, and any other hurt that creeps into our consciousness.

    As the song suggests, we will ask “Why?” But we know that healing does not come from those things that can be explained rationally or within the framework of the human condition. We do know that Jesus remains when all else seems to crumble around us.

    Sometimes we want more because we have dreams and desires. Sometimes things get in the way of those dreams. To continue with the paraphrased words from Mercy Me, “Sometimes just breathing seems to be that all I can do, with pain so deep I can hardly move. Just keep my eyes completely fixed on You Lord, take hold and pull me through.”

    And in that moment of surrender, we know that we have “Fallen into His arms open wide, where hurt and the Healer collide. In that moment, our “humanity is overcome by majesty, grace is ushered in, our scars are understood, mercy takes its rightful place and all our questions fade away.”

    In that moment when the Spirit provides us with the strength to bow down before our Lord, we say, “Take my heart and breathe it back to life, come and break my fear, take my tears, for I’m alive in in You, for I find glory here, when the hurt and the Healer collide.”

    Stephanie, your journey, for all its pain and suffering, brings great testimony to a world that needs to see your courage and conviction. I am reminded of the words of 3John: 3-4, “It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

    We pray that you will continue to surrender so that the hurt and the Healer collide, that you will be well in the arms of the one who walks with you, and that you continue to bring joy, inspiration, and testimony to those around you as you walk in the Truth.

    Much love,
    Brian and Sharon

  31. Mandy Fletcher
    January 3, 2013 at 10:43 PM (12 years ago)

    Stephanie, my old friend, I read your blog for the first time tonight. I am bawling my eyes out. The last time I wrote to you on Facebook (over a year ago now) asking how you were you directed me here and to be honest I brushed it off. Instead I did my best following your well being on Facebook. I always knew you were strong and driven but after reading this I have a new found admiration for you. I admire your faith. Not only in God but in yourself. I think God sent Matt to be your angel. I will pray for you every night until you’re better. If God brings you to it he will bring you through it. I believe that and I know you do too. God bless you my friend… You’ll be in my prayers. Xoxo Mandy

  32. Bridget
    February 1, 2013 at 2:06 AM (11 years ago)

    You are an amazing young woman! I too was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Dec of 07. I wasnt very consistant with my checkups and I had weird back pain and strange bleeding. I finally went to the doctor and got a thin strip done. A month went by and finally I got a call from my family doctor about coming in to talk about my results. It was devastating. I was refered to a Gyno/Surgeon and had a complete Hysto done. You are right about how each one is different than another. I was blessed to have already had children when I was young, but it was a long journey to accept all that has happened. I am lucky to be 38 now, cancer free and a grandmother of two adorable girls. The faith and support of my husband and family got me through it! I try to urge all young women I know to get screened including my own daughters. HPV is exactly how I ended up with it. Good luck on your journey, and thank you for sharing your story.

  33. Lisa Roads
    May 14, 2013 at 4:16 PM (11 years ago)

    Stephanie I believe that people come into your life for a reason, a short time or a life time we learn something from everyone we meet no matter how long we know them for. How I found your blog is quite bizarre. I was reading the latest entry on the Lost Valley Ranch FB page. I am from the UK and seeing some photos of an American friend of ours who stayed there in March I was drawn to the place and we are now booked to stay there for our first visit in October 13.

    Randomly reading the LVR FB page today I was drawn to an entry about your and your escape from your bubble and your time at LVR. It led me to your blog and I haven’t stopped reading it!

    I was diagnosed with cervical cancer when I was only 22 and recently married it was a big shock and after successful treatment and now aged 45 I have lived with the knowledge that a reoccurrence is always a possibility but I have lived every day as if it is special and appreciated every experience and opportunity available to me and valued every friendship on the way.

    Your blog is beautifully written with a great balance of candid honesty, humour and educational knowledge for any other women who find themselves with the same rare diagnosis as you. I wish you continued strength on your journey to being cancer free and I encourage you to keep writing beyond this challenge as you are clearly a very talented writer and I look forward to following your blog and being a small part of your journey from across the miles.

  34. Cindy Garretson
    September 24, 2013 at 3:28 PM (11 years ago)

    Stephanie, I just spoke with your grandfather Bill Gary. I am with AAA insurance in Springfield, Mo. He told me about your website. I very briefly scan through your blog.What a wonderful woman of God you are. I look forward to reading more. Please know I am praying for you. I pray you get a clear on your scan that your grandfather received yesterday. God is bigger than cancer and he can defeat it. I pray you will be the miracle and YOU will derail this diagnosis!! God is good ALL the time……He hears our prayers!! Continued prayers to you and your family.
    Cindy Garretson

  35. Ronda Carter
    December 27, 2013 at 7:05 AM (11 years ago)

    Good morning Stephanie. God puts people in my path in the strangest ways. Here I am searching on Yahoo for some merchandising lingo explanation, and your blog showed up in the results. The title intrigued me, and I read the entry about your infertility. And saw the photo of you and your husband. You are so pretty! I don’t know why God put you next to me today. But I think you are doing a fine thing by sharing your journey and your emotions. Others are being blessed through you. I hope that God will continue to bless you with gifts. And medical miracles are happening every day. Maybe a baby could be in your future. I am in treatment for stage IV breast cancer. ( My life has been so richly blessed. God has used this horrible disease, which he did not give me because only good comes from God, to enrich my life. Every day is a joy. I pray that you and your husband will have many years of bliss together. Your sister in Christ, Ronda Carter

  36. Giuli
    February 4, 2014 at 1:55 PM (10 years ago)

    I just wanted to say your such an amazing writer and such an optimist. It’s so refreshing. Keep doing what your doing. It’s great.

  37. Megan
    September 19, 2015 at 7:52 AM (9 years ago)

    Hi Stephanie,

    I came across your blog while I was browsing MD Andersons cancer survivor blog and found my way here. Your story has really touched me and I am so encouraged to hear you are cancer free and that you and your husband will have the opportunity to be parents. God is so amazing! I also am a cancer survivor of (small cell) cervical cancer after having 2 recurrences. My husband and I have been married 3 years and received the diagnosis a few weeks before our wedding. It warms my heart to see your pictures and reminds me of Gods power and not to forget where I came from and how far he has brought us. Thanks be to God and God bless you as you continue in your adoption journey!


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